Product Designer

I help tech companies craft design strategies, simplify user experiences, and create user-friendly interfaces.

Let’s chat:

Finder App Design

Strategic UX for meditation platform

Insight Timer

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1 app, 2 business models, 3 pivots


Insight Timer UX Case Study

Fintech app design for comparison website

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Transforming critical issues into growth opportunities

Insight Timer

Construction software design

Brand + product design for construction software

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Bringing innovation to construction


Kocha intuitively mixes user research insights with product ideas, then shapes it into an elegant user experience”

—Timothy Yeo, Design Director at IBM (ex-Finder)

Creating an emotional connection

What if you could earn customer trust and loyalty?

Think about your last big purchase. Do you remember why you bought it? Let’s be honest—most of our buying decisions aren’t driven by logic but by emotions we may not fully understand.

While we might not always grasp these emotions, we can certainly influence them. Just like music can deeply connect with our mood, films can make us laugh or cry—design can attract people and keep them engage with your product.

Kocha asks the right questions and focuses on solving the right problems for our business and customers”

—Elijah Thai, Co-founder at Headstart Lab

What if your product was the greatest driver for revenue?

Have you ever felt an emotional connection to something without spending money on it?

Even social media platforms we love are free, yet we spend significant amounts of time on them. Time is our most valuable asset, and these platforms monetise it effectively.

Once you establish trust and a deep emotional connection with your customers, monetisation becomes inevitable.

Kocha pushed user interaction, satisfaction and retention to an all time high”

—Apattra Hongsuwong, Motion Graphic at

What if you could fundraise with confidence?

Do you want to be part of companies that consistently improve their products and have a strong emotional connection with their customers?

Millions of investors do—and they’re just waiting for the right opportunity. Good design can elevate your business to the top of their minds.

Kocha leads the mobile design with passion and creativity. He redesigned both the iOS and Android app, created and brainstorm new mobile features which lead to a huge boost to our mobile stats”

—Jack Lian, Software Engineer at

Outcomes-driven approach

Tailor-made solutions just for you

Even businesses in the same industry and of equal size have different definitions of success, depending on their unique periods and contexts. Some business may want to grow, others to overcome crises, and some to explore new opportunities. Achieving these varied goals requires different questions and methods.

I don’t believe in a fixed formula for successful design. That’s why I emphasise understanding the basics of each individual client. I work closely with you from the start to ensure we both have the same question, and that it’s the best question for the moment.

From strategy to execution

If design is a journey of thoughts and feelings, it has a starting point, a path, and a destination. Designers are like the drivers who take you to your destination. We work with you to plan the milestones, adjusting the direction as needed along the way, ensuring we reach your destination efficiently.

To create truly remarkable products, a designer must fluidly navigate between strategy and execution. Meticulous attention to detail and an expansive vision are inherently intertwined.

My approach is deeply rooted in the belief that a well-crafted strategy must evolve through the process of execution. My decades of hands-on experience refine the strategy and ensure that every detail is thoughtfully considered and impeccably realised.

Proven track record of success

I am proud that my work has had the opportunity to serve these people:

Building v1.0 of a new product is extremely challenging, but with Kocha’s help our product has come to life in a wonderfully intuitive way”

—Carl Prins, CEO & Co–Founder at Handled

Kocha pushed user interaction, satisfaction and retention to an all time high”

—Apattra Hongsuwong, Motion Graphic at

Kocha is the rare breed of designer who combines (in no particular order) a deep empathy for the end user, an intimate understanding of design principles, especially around UI & mobile, a meticulous and solid work ethic and an all round friendly demeanour”

Vincent Turner, CEO & Founder at Uno home loans

With an amazing ability to simplify user experiences and design intuitive customer journeys, Kocha produces both technically excellent work, and aesthetically beautiful”

—Caleb Gibbins, CEO & Founder at Cache

We were fortunate to have Kocha join us at a critical point of a crucial project. He hit the ground running and delivered designs which were thoroughly thought out and ironed out complex user journeys.”

—Yoong Leong, Tech Lead at Insight at Insight Timer
More testimonials

Building an immersive experience

Empathetic craftsmanship

I believe that diverse experiences not only cultivate craftsmanship but also empower designers to understand the human better.

Good design should seamlessly integrate into people’s everyday lives, helping them achieve their goals, improve their lives, or even provide moments of joy.

I place great importance on aesthetics because aesthetics represent care and attention, aiming to serve and enrich others’ lives.

A thoughtful process

I believe that the process is the product, but I don’t adhere strictly to any predefined process. For me, asking the right questions is more important than following a set procedure.

Questions guide the process. Many of my clients understand their problems well, and some even know the solutions. However, many don’t realise that the key lies in identifying the right question. Asking the wrong question can lead us to solve the wrong problem.

Good design starts with finding the right question to guide the process. That’s why I spend a significant amount of time with my clients, exploring and uncovering these essential questions together.

An emotional connection

As a musician, I have experienced the magic of music—how it can connect with people deeply and instantly. Music makes people stop, listen, and believe in the message being communicated. A few notes played at the right time can evoke tears or make a change for a better society.

I believe design can achieve the same impact as music. The colour palette acts as the chords and melody, spacing sets the rhythm, and typography forms the lyrics. Ultimately, the user experience is like the listening experience. Both design and music strive for the same goal—forming a deep, human emotional connection.

I have also been work with these people

Let’s Chat

For work inquiries, partnership opportunities, or simply to say hello, an email is all it takes: